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Mission Trips Interest

Click the button below to let us know of your interest in future Missions Trips.

Bon Air Christian Church sent 114 clean up buckets to the North Carolina Region today to help with the hurricane relief effort. Thank you to everyone across the Virginia Region who pitched in to help, we thank God for your generosity! If you still wish to continue to help, you can contact Pastor David Finnegan-Hosey at and they can see what they can do to continue to coordinate efforts."


Zoom Calls


I will be hosting every other week zoom calls with anyone throughout Virginia who might want to share/connect/learn what and how we might link to the current needs of the ongoing disaster areas.  I have found so many great things going on and thought an ongoing zoom gathering would help connect people to be able to coordinate our efforts.  Come join on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday (starting November 13th at 12:00 noon).  This may change and adapt but for now we will start with a lunch hour check in and adjust from there.  As I learn from these conversations I will also share more.

​The zoom link is:  ...


Bill Spangler-Dunning

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Craig Springs Camp

Bill Spangler-Dunning



Our own Craig Springs Camp will open their doors to provide short-term shelter for any individual or families displaced by the flood/hurricane.  If anyone knows of people in need of temporary respite or short-term stay, we are able to host them in Oak Lodge (with a communal kitchen) at

Please have anyone contact me directly.


Thursday, October 17 Update

Crews from Ohio, Texas and Winston-Salem, NC were onsite today repairing water lines, grading roads, cleaning out calverts, moving dirt and more.


They whistled while they worked.  They danced during their duties.  It was a real life musical.  We had running water to the Dixon Park neighborhood for almost 4 hours today before the crew had to replace a main line by the tank and had to shut down the whole system.  We hope to have the system back up and running mid-morning tomorrow.  We also hope to have a briefcase full of a million dollars delivered by sundown.  We'd be happy with either scenario.

We need to replace the carpet in both Watson Cottages.  We ar elooking for a wood-laminate flooring.  A living room and a bedroom in each cottage.  Will get measurements tomorrow.  We had a meeting with an engineer and we are looking for funding for bridges and roads.  The rroad to the water tank is "almost" drivable all the way to the tank. These guys are killing it.  So impressive.  Continued thanks for your support and patience and coupons for dance lessons.​

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First Christian Church, Lynchburg was at St. John's Episcopal Church (Marion, North Carolina).

Grateful for local clergy and churches who donated critical supplies with FCC Lynchburg to give to Hurricane Helene survivors in western NC.  Special thanks to Martha Kearse from Peakland Baptist Church and Ben Moore from Timberlake Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who traveled to the mountains today with Jarrett Banks.  We are thankful for the partnership with St. John's Episcopal in Marion and Rev. Erin Kirby who is helping to distribute the supplies to people in need.  Shout out to Jack Thomas for introducing us to Rev. Erin!  Thanks also to First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Greeley, Colorado for a generous donation that helped us to purchase Ensure, sleeping bags, coats and underwear for children, many who are living today in tents.​​​

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Pam Dowdy Bishop 

We got another load of flood supplies out, thanks to Lisa Mann Reed and her school of dance.  They were taking a trailer of supplies down to North Carolina.  I am thankful for all of the supplies donated to First Christian Church in Pearisburg, we have given a lot to individual families in the past few weeks.  Glad we had the supplies they needed!

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Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
in Virginia


Phone: 434.846.3400

Address: 1290 Enterprise Dr. Lynchburg, VA 24502


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