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Commission on Ministry

Credentialing and accountability in ministry is a covenant partnership between Congregations and the Region. The Commission on Ministry is established to serve in that covenant relationship for the Region. It is comprised of representatives, lay and clergy, from diverse ministry settings throughout Virginia. 


The Commission on Ministry is vitally involved in the journey toward a vocation of ministry. This group has the responsibility to help and assist in partnership with the sponsoring congregation, those in our Virginia churches discerning and preparing for ministry in response to God’s call. The regional church in this way provides a place to talk about one’s call and receive guidance and support. The Commission works with both those seeking to be and acting as commissioned ministers as well as those preparing for ordination. Applicants are usually taken “under care” for at least one year. A decision is made to commission or to follow through with their journey toward ordination. The Commission follows the policies for commissioning or ordaining each candidate to the office of ministry.


Ministry is truly a calling from God. Many such calls are narrated within the Bible such as Jesus’ calls to his disciples and Paul’s call to preach the Gospel. This call is both personal and affirmed by the Commission on Ministry and one’s local congregation. Support from the local congregation is important in granting a commissioned minister a particular ministry usually within the congregation. Those preparing for ordination are also asked to have the support of their home congregation who then most often serves as the setting for the ordination service.

For more information regarding the process or for general questions, please use the see The Journey Document below.



The Journey Document
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